Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Ulasan 2

    In this post, I want to review a video from Youtube that is uploaded by Youtube account named Burton Mullins. The title of the video is Defeating The Hackers - BBC Documentary. The video has duration 53 minutes and 17 seconds. To access the video, you can use the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQJMg6FdcvQ.

    At first, the video tells about how the world is nowadays, how gadgets become important things to people, and also how vulnerable they are. Any gadgets, especially gadgets that have keyboards, are so vulnerable. People can be able to get your identity through gadgets nowadays. And people can also expose your secrets, steal your money, even steal your indentity by "eavesdropping" your gadgets. This kind of people is known as hacker. There are so many victims of hackers, most of them get their passwords cracked, causing the hackers be able to access all secrecy and privacy of the victims. Hackers can hack a person's account, and even hijack the account and own it. That's why cyber security is important. Nowadays, there are so many cyber security experts that are ready to protect the networks of computers against hackers.

   Hackers can cause many dangerous things. Not only get a person's secrets and identity, hackers can also hack a nuclear bomb! This thing has become a concern of governments in many countries. Since it becomes criminal and malicious, there also must be some defenses for hacker's attacks. Therefore, there is a thing in mathematics called semi prime number, that will be used for encryption to prevents the attacks of the hackers.

    Semi prime number is a multiplication result of 2 prime numbers. Prime number is a number that only can be divided by 1 and the number itself. What makes them important to a code, is when you combine those 2 prime number, become a semi prime number. Semi prime number. Semi prime number is really difficult to be found what are the numbers that could have been multiplied together to form them to get back to the original values. A big semi prime number is used as a code word, a key to scramble your credit card details when you buy something online. The big semi prime number is made from 2 big prime number that only you and the bank know. This semi prime number cannot be cracked by hacker. This algorithm of encryption is called RSA. RSA is effectively uncrackable because however powerful the PCs are, they can only process one computation at a time. But, as time goes by, scientists also try to build more powerful computer than before. Now, scientists are trying to build a computer that can do many computation at once, which has a potential to smash the codes that protect the internet. This computer is called a quantum computer. Since then, experts always try to find inovations about how to protect anything from hackers. And then, there is a person, named Daniel Sanchez, has found a way. He made a password embedded system, that uses muscle memory as the password. The deep unconcious part of the brain will prove the user's identity, so that no one can steal his/her indentity. It can be said that you must to "play" your own password first with your own signature, and the password will be embedded in your muscle memory.

    In my opinion, this video is great. The explanation of what a hacker is at first explained obviously, and there are so many interesting things about how the cyber security experts try to find a way to defeat the hackers. The quality of the video is also great, and for overall, the topic is interesting.

GitHub Account : https://github.com/joshiarheinier
URL Ulasan       : https://joshiarheinier.blogspot.com/2016/12/ulasan-2.html
Video URL         : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQJMg6FdcvQ
Video Duration   : 53 Minutes 17 Seconds
First Revision     : Friday, December 9th 2016
Last Revision     : Friday, December 9th 2016

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